Homeward Bound: the Incredible Journey (my sisters favorite)

The Journey of Natty Gann (my favorite)

I feel like these preferences in movies are actually quite telling about both of our personalities. Maria chose the movie with the cute, furry, domestic animals that accidentally get lost by their owners and make a 9 kabillion mile journey home via the wilderness. They battle bears. They persevere despite their domestication.
I chose the movie about the abandoned child that decides to run away from her evil foster family (in my case D.C.) to find her father somewhere in Alaska (read: father=destiny, Alaska=Peru). Natty has a knife; Natty hops trains and befriends a wolf that attacks evil men; Natty is hard fucking core.
Now, knowing this integral piece of background information about my movie tastes will explain my following agenda.
I have decided to do this portion of Inca Trail without a partner and with no tent (ok, so I wanted the tent, but it was mildly expensive and really fucking heavy). Obviously, I, like Natty Gann, am hard fucking core. However, unfortunately, unlike Natty I do not have a wolf friend to eat evil men. Also, while I have a knife, it is not large and scary and good for stabbing rabbits with, like Natty¨s. Hmmmm.
Which brings me to the real reason for this blog....if there is not another blog entry within 10 days, can someone call the authorities? My trail runs from Huari to La Union in Northern Peru..... thanks!!!
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