1. After an 8 hour day of hiking away from everything and up a giant mountain figuring out that my fuel canister had no fuel in it, rendering half my food supply inedible (this is the first day)
2. Being taken in by a very kind, although very drunk, Andean man. I was given access to a fire pit and a place to sleep. Fortunatly, my designated sleep spot was indoors. Indoors on the ground with a horde of 10 very excited guinea pigs. One of which sounded more like a elephant with a nasal infection than a guinea pig.
3. Seeing birds that looked like they belonged in the ocean in a marsh on the top of a 4,400m mountain.
4. Sleeping in the middle of some ruins in a feeble attempt to shelter myself from the wind. Later getting up at 3:30 am to keep hiking because I was too cold to sleep and figured at least I´d be warmer that way.
5. Not getting bit by rabid dogs
6. Snickers, granola, and soy milk for at least 3 meals
7. Loosing feeling on my right hip from my backpacking rubbing against me
8. Sections of the trail being almost perfectly intact
9. The Andes (not the mint)

Yay! She did it!!! and it sounds loike you didn't bring canned food!! you are sooo smart! that's why you out-wiled the rabid dog!!
What number die do you roll for a save vs. rabid dog spell?
oh and btw that picture if effing beautiful.
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