--he farts a lot
--he likes to sing hymns
--he gets grumpy when he's tired (sound familiar?)
--he goes to sleep at 10:30
--he's a bit clumsy
--he likes farms and Kansas a lot
--he treats most people he meets with respect
--he wanted to be a herpatologist when he was a kid
--he knows a lot about cow reproduction
--he milks goats on the weekend
--he's addicted to lifting weights
--he is a sailor
--he likes bananas a whole lot

--he wants an army of midget minions
--In his youth, he formed a Ghostbuster club
--his least favorite work party project is scraping the mast
--his favorite Star Wars character is currently Obi Wan
--he has octopus boxers
--he would choose ants as his insect pet of choice because they could eat off the faces of his enemies
--he thinks Caroline is a hot tamale
--she plays the flute
--she farts a lot too
--she loves Ben and Jerry's ice cream
--she also likes anything chocolate
--she has a pretty pair of teal underware
--she does not like writing papers, but she does like learning

--she is addicted to YouTube
--she does not like eggs
--she likes to read while she poops
--she liked to play in the sandbox as a child
--she does not like bananas in her oatmeal