Sigh: It's true; I apologize. I should be hung from a high hurdle and harangued for my inattentiveness to my blog. But I have an excuse!!!
Since my blog will no longer be about my travels in the Southern Hemisphere, and I can no longer use the lure of the exotic to dupe people into reading it, I have been desperately trying to decide upon the new
Purpose/Intent/gimmick of Brazyclog. Unfortunately I am still at a loss. I have ruled out baby seals, baby pandas, and the selling of celebrity locks as possible gimmicks. Which leaves me without much material. Which is why I need YOU, dear readers!! Please clap your hands and say I DO believe in brazy clogs! Or just post suggestions on the sort of thing which you would expect to find in the very braziest of clogs.
Since my blog will no longer be about my travels in the Southern Hemisphere, and I can no longer use the lure of the exotic to dupe people into reading it, I have been desperately trying to decide upon the new

So, to give some closure to this ridiculous post, and since I feel I should offer some insight into my newest surroundings and experiences, I am going to leave you with a brief excerpt about New Orleans from Naked Lunch:
"So we pour it in a Pernod bottle and start for New Orleans past iridescent lakes and orange gas flares, and swamps and garbage heaps, alligators crawling around on broken bottles and tin cans, neon arabesques of motels, marooned pimps scream obscenities at passing cars from islands of rubbish..."
~William S. Burroughs